Verification Update

Marketing Evolution is committed to providing the most reliable and accurate media optimizations leveraging the industry’s most sophisticated algorithms and modeling techniques.
Naturally, the quality of the input data has a direct impact on the quality of the outputs. To that end, we are pleased to provide the new Data Verification Module, where customers can clearly and directly review and – if needed - edit the inputs driving the models and outputs. With the combination of the best data inputs and the industry’s most advanced modeling, we continue to deliver on our promise.
Marketing Evolution’s new Data Verification Module provides customers the resources to view and edit critical media data before it is passed to modeling for plan optimizations. The Marketing Evolution team has added automated outlier detection to the data being loaded into the ROI Brain™, along with a “verification” workflow for marketers and agencies. In practice, the media planning and buying data that agencies use to feed the ROI Brain™ can have errors which include media that was planned, but not purchased, or purchase data that is manually entered that is simply an error. The Verification Module streamlines the reconciliation process to verify that impressions and spend are accurate and complete. Verification is now required (and built into the workflow) prior to each modeling cycle to ensure the ROI Brain™ is using the most accurate and up to date media data.
To facilitate verification, the tool includes algorithms to identify potential outliers and highlight those for examination. Users will be alerted regarding potential outliers, and can control the sensitivity of the algorithm to widen or tighten the outlier criteria and search results. The verification can happen at any level. The data verification module provides:
- A total media view,
- Rollup media view (e.g. All TV, or Digital Display)
- An individual lever view (e.g. ABC PrimeTime, or Turner - Cartoon
- An insertion view (eg. Digital Publisher - s DBM-Prospecting - Dynamic Messaging Test - New Messaging 11/21 - 160x600
In addition, users can export the data to Excel for further ad-hoc analysis. At the same time, we’ve introduced a workflow so that marketers and agencies will agree upon who reviews the data, and approves it, and on what timeline. There is also an automated escalation process in case someone misses a deadline, which can delay an optimization and therefore cost a marketer hundreds of thousands in sales and profits.
Each customer should view the short video explaining verification.
Customer Success managers will be working with each customer to update the RACI charts to reflect the new workflow. If you have any questions, please connect with your Customer Success leader.